Characteristics and repercussions of simulation as a strategy for teaching-learning in nursing: integrative review
Nursing; Simulation Technique; Teaching; Learning; EducationAbstract
Introduction: The teaching of nursing science goes through a moment of transmutation to undertake curricular components that surpass the average concept of quality.Thus, clinical simulation acquires increasing importance, as it uses technologies to reproduce scenarios that simulate practice, in a controlled and realistic environment, allowing the alignment of practice to theory, the updating of care techniques, reflection on know-how and how you are doing, gaining confidence, developing agility, in addition to enriching the clinical experience from experimenting with different situations.Objective: To identify the characteristics and repercussions of using simulation as a strategy for teaching and learning in nursing.Methods: Integrative literature review conducted from November to December 2019, in the databases BDENF, LILACS and PUBMED, using the keywords nursing, simulation, teaching, learning and education.362 publications were found, of which 14 were part of the final sample. For analysis of the studies, a table was constructed containing the main characteristics of the works.Results: Studies were identified that addressed the simulator models, the themes of application of the scenarios and the consequences of their application.The identification of benefits in cognitive and non-cognitive skills generated by the implementation of the simulated teaching strategy was unanimous. It was found that most studies performed the high-fidelity simulation (42.9%), followed by the low-fidelity simulation (35.7%) and the simulated patient (7.1%). It was found that the studies addressed the following themes: pain, immunization and care for hypertensive patients, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, respiratory problems, diabetes, cardiothoracic assessment, wounds, and mental health. As for the repercussions, we can highlight the stimulus to stimulate critical-reflective thinking, personal and professional growth, improvement of dexterity in carrying out procedures, favor clinical teaching in a human and holistic way, favor interpersonal relationships and communication. Conclusion: The study made it possible to identify the characteristics and repercussions of using simulation as a teaching-learning strategy in nursing.
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