The use of prosthetic limbs fabricated from 3D printing for amputees
Amputation; Prostheses and Implants; Printing; Three-Dimensional; Artificial LimbsAbstract
Introduction: Prostheses are defined as devices intended to supply the complete or partial functionality of an absent member to provide independence to the amputee, in addition to improving psychological and social aspects. Therefore, the choice of the appropriate prosthesis has a fundamental role in the rehabilitation process with these patients. In this context, 3D-printing applications had added new possibilities in the medical field regarding the manufacture of prostheses. Objective: To analyse the evidence of the use of 3D-printed prosthetic limbs to amputees. Methods: This is a literature review based on scientific articles indexed in the MEDLINE, SciELO and LILACS databases. The research was performed without restriction of date or language, based on the combination of Results: The analysis was developed using 13 articles that presented as the main advantages of 3D-printing manufactured prostheses the following: low cost and shorter manufacturing time, customization, low-cost maintenance, lighter prostheses, free-of-charge available digital models of prostheses and the possibility of adding other systems such as pulleys and myoelectric systems. The disadvantages include prostheses with fewer durable materials, fewer rigid devices, with little thermal stability, in addition to having low handgrip strength. Conclusion: The use of 3D-printed prosthetic limbs improved the quality of life of individuals with physical disabilities, allowing them to perform activities of daily living mainly lost due to missing limb. Although there are some obstacles and disadvantages regarding 3D printing technology, it has emerged as a potential tool for building personalized and more affordable prostheses.
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