The beneficial effects of the hammock positioning on preterm newborn infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit
nfant; Newborn; Infant; Premature; Patient Positioning; Physical Therapy ModalitiesAbstract
Introduction: Preterm newborn infants (PTNB) admitted to neonatal intensive care are exposed to several factors that lead to excessive stimulation leading to stress. Proper positioning can minimize harmful effects in these patients. Objective: To analyze the effects of the hammock positioning on the vital signs and pain level of PTNB. Methods: This was a retrospective, descriptive study carried out at the Hospital Universitário Regional dos Campos Gerais, in the city of Ponta Grossa, Paraná State, using data collected from October 2014 to November 2015. Data were included from a control spreadsheet used by physiotherapists, the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale, to monitor vital signs and pain, ofpreterm newborn infants positioned in a hammock. We studied 20 preterm newborns infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Data was collected just before and 30 min after hammock positioning. Heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR), peripheral oxygen saturation, and pain were analyzed before and after hammock positioning. There was a significant reduction in heart rate, 160 (18.6) bpm and after 142.7 (11.9) bpm (p <0.001), and respiratory rate before 46.2 (8.5) ipm and after 42,7 (7.9) ipm (p <0.05), and pain level before 1 (0-2,5) points and after 0 (0-0) point (p <0.001), and increased saturation peripheral oxygen 96.98% (2.08) and after positioning 98.56% (1.04) (p <0.001). Conclusion: Hammock positioning reduces heart rate, respiratory rate, and pain level and increases peripheral oxygen saturation. Therefore, it is an ideal positioning for PTNB.References
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