Visual arts in mental health nursing care: an integrative review




Introduction: The nurse praxis in mental health should involve strategies of health promotion and supports the Therapeutic Relationship. Among these, we highlight the use of art, which allows the mobilization of subjectivities and their artistic expression. In this context, the visual productions stand out, which allow the subjects to make symbolic constructions of their reality and express meanings about their production. Objective: To describe the use of visual arts by nurses in Mental Health care according to the scientific literature. Material and Methods: This is a literature integrative review which identified results from 1997 to 2018. Data were collected from the Portal de Periódicos da Coordenaria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior and at the Latin American Literature of Science Health and Scientific Electronic Library Online. We selected original articles, full available in English, Spanish or Portuguese language, with at least one nurse among the authors of the study. Results: According to the eligibility criteria, 17 studies were selected. They predominantly presented a qualitative approach, and they were carried out at a hospital setting with adults suffering from psychic and other chronic diseases. As artistic resources used in the studies, were cited the use of clay, painting, drawing, collage, sewing, bead legacy construction and exhibition of works of art. Conclusion: Nurses have used art in different care settings, and that interventions with the visual arts have positively impacted on various aspects of individuals’ mental health.







How to Cite

Visual arts in mental health nursing care: an integrative review. (2022). Archives Health Sciences, 26(1), 55-61.