Leigh Syndrome and implications for physiotherapeutic practice: case report
case report
Leigh Disease; Respiratory Muscles; Spirometry; Physical Therapy Specialty; PhotogrammetryAbstract
Introduction: Leigh Syndrome (SL) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by enzymatic alterations that affect the muscular, respiratory and nervous systems. Objective: To assess and provide support to physiotherapists regarding lung function, respiratory muscle strength and posture in an adolescent with SL. Case Report: This is a case report of a 15-year-old female with SL, where spirometry, manovacuometry and photogrammetry tests were performed. The adolescent with SL presented respiratory muscle weakness, slight restrictive respiratory distress and postural alterations, such as anteriority of the head, asymmetry in relation to weight shift and gravity center. Conclusion: Physical therapy is necessary throughout these children’s lives, treating motor as well as respiratory function. The outcomes contribute to comprehension of the theme, thus to clinical practice, however more studies are needed.
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