Survival of patients with malignant intestinal neoplasms according to right- or left-sided primary location




Digestive System Diseases; Intestinal Neoplasms; Colorectal Neoplasms; Oncology Nursing; Survival Rate


Introduction. Colon neoplasms have a worldwide epidemiological relevance. Due to their molecular and clinical heterogeneity, early diagnoses and treatment are essential for survival gain. Survival and outcome prediction in colon neoplasms also are related to the primary location of the disease, especially the laterality of the neoplasms. Objective. To investigate the association between patients’ survival rates with right- or left-sided colon neoplasms.Methods. This is a cross-sectional study with descriptive design, analytical quantitative approach with correlation among variables. Study sample was composed of patients attended at a hospital complex in the São Paulo State inland from 2010 to 2017. Data were acquired from the Cancer Hospital Records and computerized medical records. We used IBM SPSS Statistical Package V.25 (IBM Corporation) to analyze the sociodemographic, clinical-pathological, and survival data, presenting them as median, interquartile ranges, and Kaplan Meier curve, according to the nature of the variables.Results. The sample was composed of 691 patients. Most of them (n=392;56.7%) had a diagnosis of left-sided colon neoplasm (56.7%), especially sigmoid neoplasm (n=282; 40.9%). We observed a slight predominance of men (n=351;50.8%), between stages II (n=193;27.9%) and III (n=213;30.9%). Tubular adenocarcinomas were the most frequent morphological type (n= 477; 69%). Age ranged from 14 to 97 (Median 63.7) years.Most of patients were self-declared as white (n=623;90.2%) and lived in the cities of XV Regional Health Department (n=408;59%).There were 296 (42.8%) deaths in the study period, especially patients with right-sided colon neoplasia (n=149; 50.3%).The overall survival had a median of 807 days (interquartile range [25th percentile = 284]; [interquartile range] 75th percentile = 1622).For patients with left-sided colon, the median was 866 days, and 675 days for patients with right-sided colon neoplasm.Conclusion. Right-sided colon neoplasms can be a possible independent predictor of death (survival of 1.8 years) when compared to left-sided colon neoplasms (survival of 2.4 years).


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How to Cite

Survival of patients with malignant intestinal neoplasms according to right- or left-sided primary location. (2019). Arquivos De Ciências Da Saúde, 26(3), 163-169.