Ethnic and gender aspects involved in craniofacial growth for the validation of the Moyers and Tanaka-Johnhton analysis
Maxillofacial Development; Dental Occlusion ; Malocclusion; Dentition, Mixed; Ethnic Groups; Dental ArchAbstract
Introduction: Malocclusions are clinically significant changes in the normal growth and morphology field with etiological factors that contribute to the disharmony. Factors such as age, sex and ethnicity should be considered in decisions related to facial craniometry, as well as its possible etiological role in craniomandibular disorders. Objective: To evaluate the applicability of the Moyers probability tables and the Tanaka-Johnston equations as predictive methods of space availability in dental arches to verify the occurrence of malocclusions in young adults, as well as their variation in relation to ethnicity and gender. Methods: Individuals in the permanent denture phase, with ages ranging from 17 to 25 years old, of both sexes, were selected using the proportional stratified random sampling technique among students regularly enrolled in the Dentistry Course of the Federal University of Maranhão/UFMA. Results: A statistically significant difference was obtained in both analyzes, in which the predicted values were higher than the real ones. Conclusion: The results suggest that ethnicity and sex are important modifiers of dental characteristics; that a great part of the population of Maranhão presents malocclusion; and that among the methods used for analysis of the mixed dentition, the Tanaka-Johnston prediction equations are the most indicated for the Maranhão population, since it obtained a smaller variation.
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