Scorpion accidents: clinical and epidemiological survey in São José do Rio Preto region, São Paulo, Brazil




Scorpionism; Scorpion accidents; Epidemiology


Introduction: Scorpionism constitutes an important and arising public health problem in Brazil, being the main cause of accidents by venomous animals. The species Tityus serrulatus (yellow scorpion) has been widely associated with greater severity of cases due to the toxicity of its venom. In the state of São Paulo in 2016, 91,476 accidents and 10 deaths were reported, the second highest state in score of stings. Objective: To perform a clinical-epidemiological survey of scorpionic accidents attended in the region of São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, between 2010 and 2016. Methods: Analysis of medical records of patients attended by the Center of Toxicological Assistance (CEATOX-21) of the complex “Hospital de Base”/ “Hospital da Criança e Maternidade” (HB / HCM), from 2010 to 2016. Results: It was observed an increase of 111% in the number of scorpion stings between 2010 and 2016. Most of events were in the patient’s own residence (82%), in men (54.9%) and between 24 and 60 years old (24,9%). In 29.11% of the cases, patients were younger than 12 years old - group associated with higher severity. Cities with the highest number of accidents were São José do Rio Preto (36.8%); Mirassol (5.31%); and Nova Granada (4.31%). The most evaluation solicitations were from the HB/HCM (47.5%), followed by 18,55% of private hospitals, 14,9% emergency and urgency services and 10,5% other philanthropic hospitals/health centers. The total of moderate and severe cases were 20.7%, being the T. serrulatus specie the most predominant one in the region. Conclusion: Scorpionism increased during the analyzed period, especially of the specie Tityus serrulatus. Due to the diverse and changeable clinical manifestation of the sting, there is need for constant evaluation of patients and thus correct serotherapy indication.


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How to Cite

Scorpion accidents: clinical and epidemiological survey in São José do Rio Preto region, São Paulo, Brazil. (2020). Arquivos De Ciências Da Saúde, 27(1), 32-36.