Sensory assessment of balance and estimation of the risk of falling in old women practicing Pilates mate
Aging; Postural Balance; Accidental FallsAbstract
Introduction: Deficits in the elderly’s visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems affect postural control, which increases the risk of falling. Objectives: To evaluate the difference in postural balance between elderly fallers and non-fallers in different situations of sensory inputs by practitioners of the Mat Pilates; To verify the correlation between fall and balance; To estimate the risk of fall between the population, and to establish a mediation model for the case. Method: This was a cross-sectional study using a quantitative approach of analytical design carried out in the city of Petrolina, Pernambuco State, from 2017 to 2018. Study population was composed of 94 women (67.90 ± 5.19 years) divided into fallers (n = 29) and those with no history of falls (n=65). Calculation was defined “a posteriori.” Sociodemographic data, medications and frequency of falls were collected using a questionnaire. Body balance was assessed using the Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance test (CTSIB) and the Body Balance Test (TEC). Results: The observed rate of fall was 29%, and the average Pilates practice time was 27 months. The logistic regression analysis indicated negative results. A positive association with a fall was shown by CTSIB 2 (OR = 0.286; 95% CI [-0.119 - 0.063]), indicating an increased chance of falling by up to 71%. Conclusion: Although the group of elderly women was a regular practitioner of physical exercises, it was found that the risk of falling does not depend on the history of previous falls and the deficit in the sensory regulation of static and dynamic balance is common with advancing age.
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