Knowledge of primary healthcare professionals about gestational toxoplasmosis




Toxoplasma; Education, Continuing; Primary Prevention; Secondary Prevention


Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is considered a public health problem because it occurs worldwide and causes complications in immunocompromised individuals and potentially serious consequences with congenital transmission. Objective: to analyze the knowledge of primary healthcare professionals in relation to gestational toxoplasmosis. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics estimating the prevalence ratio and respective 95% confidence intervals to identify the presence of associated factors. Results: Most primary healthcare professionals have no access to information about toxoplasmosis, have never participated in training, and few provide individual or collective guidance to pregnant women on this subject. Just over half are aware of the need to notify the disease, and a minority know all the transmission routes, diagnostic tests and preventive measures. Conclusions: this survey suggests that professionals lack knowledge about toxoplasmosis and highlights a need for continuing training and discussions, so that the planning of strategies for the prevention and control of gestational toxoplasmosis are constantly improved.


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How to Cite

Knowledge of primary healthcare professionals about gestational toxoplasmosis. (2025). Arquivos De Ciências Da Saúde, 31(01).