The diagnostic context of individuals with mild autism




Asperger Syndrome, Early Diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Introduction: Asperger's Syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder; part of the diagnosis defined as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), also considered as mild autism, according to the new classification of the Statistical Manual and Diagnosis of Mental Diseases (DSM- 5). Individuals with AS have social deficits and stereotyped behaviors. Objective:  To Investigate the context and trajectory of AS diagnosis, from the age of symptom perception, age of the first clinical evaluation, diagnostic hypotheses that preceded the conclusive diagnosis, time between symptom perception and conclusive diagnosis, = mainly the professional who performed the diagnosis and main recommendations received at diagnosis. Casuistics and Methods: Forty-four individuals, 38 men and six women were investigated through clinical evaluation and semi-structured interview. Results: The age of a behavioral discrepancy perception ranged from one to nine years old (mean=3.2 years) and the first to notice this were the parents (57%), and health professionals were the last (7%). The first diagnostic evaluation was carried out between one and 15 years of age with the most common initial diagnosis as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (34.1%) performed mostly by the neurologist (54.5%). The average time between the perception that there was something different in the child's development and the diagnosis of AS was 7.8 years performed by a psychiatrist in most cases (61.3%). The main recommendations were attending regular school (68.1%), undergoing Psychotherapy (59%), using medication (56.8%), undergoing Speech Therapy (38.6%) and genetic evaluation (36.3%). Conclusion: The results  have  showed that the context of AS diagnosis is late; even the behavioral phenotype considered milder is complex. Most health professionals are not enough prepared for early detection of AS, consequently, compromising immediate intervention, that is  essential in these cases.


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How to Cite

The diagnostic context of individuals with mild autism. (2023). Arquivos De Ciências Da Saúde, 30.